Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Geometry: Transformations Lesson

Go through this page to learn more about transformation. It is all around you. Did you know you are doing transformations everyday of your life without realizing it! That's correct!

Types of Transformations
Make interactive papers to go inside your interactive notebook as you learn about transformations.

Make a 4 flap interactive foldable. You can make an extra section on the top or on the side for the title, TRANSFORMATIONS. On the front of each flap, write: Translation, Rotation, Reflection, and Dilation. In the inside of the interactive, define the types of transformation and give examples of each. You will find these definitions on this page or the links listed on this page.

Use lots of color. Write anything found on this page or on the web in your interactive notebook that relates the transformations. If you prefer, you can just write these terms and definitions using lots of color instead making an interactive.

0:56 Reflections
4:12 Rotations
6:20 Translations
7:48 Examples of each type of transformation
8:46 Summary

Transformation Geometry (Translations, Rotations, Reflections)
This has worked out problem examples. It is very well explained using graph paper.

Three Types of Transformations
Harcourt Math Glossary: Transformations

Read this Animated Lesson
Transformation: Mathwarehouse

Play these Interactive Games
Translations and Rotations: Geogebra
RoboPacker: eduplace
Shapes in Motion Shape Game Sheppard Software's -- Choose which transformation the objects are.
Transformation Game for Kids -- Use the shadow of a house in this game.

Translation: A translation moves an object along a straight line.

Translate = Move


Read this Animated Lesson
Translations, An interactive activity: Mathwarehouse

Place a book on a table, desk, or floor.
Move the book in a straight line to another location without picking the book up.
Repeat this process several times or until you understand this type of transformation. 
What type of transformation is this?
Double click on the below rectangle to reveal the answer.
Play this Interactive Game
Translations and Rotations: Geogebra

Grab some graph paper. Make your own shapes. You can use the instructions at: Transformation Geometry (Translations, Rotations, Reflections): YouTube or quietube: Transformation Geometry (Translations, Rotations, Reflections) to complete your own translation transformation.

Rotation: A rotation moves a shape by turning it around a fixed point.

Rotate = Turn

Turn, Turn, Turn

Read this Lesson
How to Rotate a Point: Mathwarehouse

Place a book on a table, desk, or floor.
Move the book to the left or right.
Repeat this process several times or until you understand this type of transformation.
What type of transformation is this?
Double click on the below rectangle to reveal the answer.
Play these Interactive Games
Translations and Rotations: Geogebra
Rotation about a point ON the triangle Geogebra

Grab some graph paper. Make your own shapes. You can use the instructions at: Transformation Geometry (Translations, Rotations, Reflections): YouTube or Quietto complete your own translation transformation.

Reflection: A reflection flips a shape over a line.

Reflect = Flip

This is like reflecting in a mirror. You flip the image. If you have a number 7 on your shirt, it will flip.

Flip, Flip, Flip

Read this Animated Lesson
Transformations: How to reflect a point: Mathwarehouse

Place a book on a table, desk, or floor.
Flip the book to direct opposite side of where it was originally.
Repeat this process several times or until you understand this type of transformation.
Double click on the below rectangle to reveal the answer.
Play these Interactive Games
Reflections: Geogebra
Reflection of the plane about a line

Grab some graph paper. Make your own shapes. You can use the instructions at: Transformation Geometry (Translations, Rotations, Reflections): YouTube or quietube: Transformation Geometry (Translations, Rotations, Reflections) to complete your own translation transformation.

When you translate, rotate, or reflect an object, they are all CONGRUENT.

Congruent: Congruent is when a shape has the same size and shape.

Same size, same shape
Same size, same shape
Same size, same shape

Activity: Cut out a small piece of paper and fold it in half. On the front write Congruent. Inside behind the title, define what it is, and on the next part, give examples.

After you do these three types of transformations, the shape is still the same shape and size.
Now, you can perform the next type of transformation which is called dilation.

Dilation: A dilation is to make something larger or smaller.

Larger or smaller
Larger or smaller
Larger or smaller

A dilation is a similarity transformation (or a similarity).

You use dilation to show that objects are SIMILAR even though they are different sizes.

Steps to Dilation
1. Multiply both coordinates by scale factor
2. Simplify
3. Graph (if required)

Read this Animated Lesson
Dilations in Math: How to perform dilations: Mathwarehouse

Play one or more of these Interactive Games
Properties of Dilation: Geogebra
Exploring Dilations: Ex. 19: Geogebra -- This is using Curious George's picture.
Dilation: Geogebra
Dilation #2: Geogebra

To understand dilation, grab some graph paper.
Draw a shape. It can be a triangle, square, rectangle, etc.
Follow the above steps, "Steps to Dilation", to make an object larger.
Repeat with different shapes.

Let's review some terms and definitions about transformation.
Translation: A translation moves an object along a straight line.
Rotation: A rotation moves a shape by turning it around a fixed point.
Reflection: A reflection flips a shape over a line.
Congruent: Congruent is when a shape has the same size and shape.
Dilation: A dilation is to make something larger or smaller.

Now you know more about transformations. Have fun doing transformations!!!

Note: More transformation resources located at: Geometry: Transformations.