Find educational resources for educators, homeschoolers, teachers, parents, and students.
Monday, June 29, 2020
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Friday, June 26, 2020
July 4th
National Archives July 4th Celebration - Includes family activities, downloads, Founders Online (Correspondence and other writings of six major shapers of the United States. This includes Jefferson’s Notes on Macaroni), videos, articles, and other resources.
Monday, June 22, 2020
World Rainforest Day is celebrated on June 22. It was started on June 22nd, 2017 by Rainforest Partnership. It was launched to raise awareness and encourage action to protect the world’s rainforests.
There are two types of rainforests (temperate rainforests and tropical rainforests). Tropical rainforest are located about 10 degrees north and south of the equator. An example is the Amazon rainforest. Temperate rainforest are located in only certain areas around the world. Two examples of a temperate rainforest are the Hoh Rainforest and the Valdivian rainforest. The Hoh Rainforest is located in Washington state in the United States. The Valdivian temperate rainforest is located in Chile and parts of Argentina. Learn more about rainforest from the below websites.
It looks like the above photo is of an eagle soaring high in the skies. It might be a bald eagle or some other type of eagle. View other animals at Olympic National Park: Animals.
Watch a live stream video at World Rainforest Day or on World Rainforest Live Stream | YouTube.
Rainforest |
Rainforest and Amazon Facts | National Geographic
Rainforest Animals and Plants
11 Amazing Rainforest Animals
Animal Facts Encyclopedia: Rainforest Animals
The Animal Spot Rainforest
Tropical Rainforest Animals and Plants with Pictures and Names
Rainforest Books
Over In The Rain Forest This book uses the common song, "Over In The Meadow". A great way to introduce different animals that live in the rain forest and to reinforce numbers (1-10).
The Great Kapok Tree: A Tale of the Amazon Rain Forest by Lynne Cherry
The Umbrella by Jan Brett
The Umbrella Coloring Mural
Dramatic Play
Play different rainforest sounds or animal sounds (or music).
Pretend you are in a rainforest. Hear the rain falling from the sky (Play an audio). See the tall tree ... See the ... flying above you. Can you hear the sound it is making? (Play an audio of that animal.) Hear the wings flapping. Pretend to flap your wings. Walk like a ... The ... monkey is going from tree to tree. Pretend you are moving from tree to tree. Oh, it grabbed a ... What color is the ...? Pretend to eat a ... Shh. Here comes a ... Be very quiet. Don't move. Oh, there he goes. You can walk now.
Basically, use your imagination.
A Rainforest Adventure: The Play
Virtual Resources
Amazon Interactive | eduweb
NATURE: Amazon Rainforest: An Interactive Experience
Virtual Rainforest by Gerald R. Urquhart
Explore the Rainforest! | Ecology for Kids
Rainforest Animals for Children – Jungle Animal Sounds and Rainforest Wildlife | Kiddopedia - This video has animal sounds and information about 40 different animals.
Virtual Field Trip - Amazon Rainforest | YouTube
Story Videos
A Trip to the Rainforest
Characteristics of the Tropical Equatorial Rainforest -- There is a video on this page.
There are two types of rainforests (temperate rainforests and tropical rainforests). Tropical rainforest are located about 10 degrees north and south of the equator. An example is the Amazon rainforest. Temperate rainforest are located in only certain areas around the world. Two examples of a temperate rainforest are the Hoh Rainforest and the Valdivian rainforest. The Hoh Rainforest is located in Washington state in the United States. The Valdivian temperate rainforest is located in Chile and parts of Argentina. Learn more about rainforest from the below websites.
These are some of the photos I took at the Hoh Rainforest. We visited this rainforest on June 25, 2015. At the time I did not know that World Rainforest Day is celebrated on June 22nd.
It looks like the above photo is of an eagle soaring high in the skies. It might be a bald eagle or some other type of eagle. View other animals at Olympic National Park: Animals.
Watch a live stream video at World Rainforest Day or on World Rainforest Live Stream | YouTube.
Rainforest |
Rainforest and Amazon Facts | National Geographic
Rainforest Animals and Plants
11 Amazing Rainforest Animals
Animal Facts Encyclopedia: Rainforest Animals
The Animal Spot Rainforest
Tropical Rainforest Animals and Plants with Pictures and Names
Rainforest Books
Over In The Rain Forest This book uses the common song, "Over In The Meadow". A great way to introduce different animals that live in the rain forest and to reinforce numbers (1-10).
The Great Kapok Tree: A Tale of the Amazon Rain Forest by Lynne Cherry
The Umbrella by Jan Brett
The Umbrella Coloring Mural
Dramatic Play
Play different rainforest sounds or animal sounds (or music).
Pretend you are in a rainforest. Hear the rain falling from the sky (Play an audio). See the tall tree ... See the ... flying above you. Can you hear the sound it is making? (Play an audio of that animal.) Hear the wings flapping. Pretend to flap your wings. Walk like a ... The ... monkey is going from tree to tree. Pretend you are moving from tree to tree. Oh, it grabbed a ... What color is the ...? Pretend to eat a ... Shh. Here comes a ... Be very quiet. Don't move. Oh, there he goes. You can walk now.
Basically, use your imagination.
A Rainforest Adventure: The Play
Virtual Resources
Amazon Interactive | eduweb
NATURE: Amazon Rainforest: An Interactive Experience
Virtual Rainforest by Gerald R. Urquhart
Explore the Rainforest! | Ecology for Kids
Rainforest Animals for Children – Jungle Animal Sounds and Rainforest Wildlife | Kiddopedia - This video has animal sounds and information about 40 different animals.
Virtual Field Trip - Amazon Rainforest | YouTube
Story Videos
A Trip to the Rainforest
Characteristics of the Tropical Equatorial Rainforest -- There is a video on this page.
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Historic Artists' Homes & Studios
"The Historic Artists’ Homes and Studios program (HAHS) is a coalition of 44 museums that were the homes and working studios of American artists."
HAHS (The Historic Artists’ Homes and Studios)
HAHS (The Historic Artists’ Homes and Studios)
Friday, June 19, 2020
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Sea Turtles
World Sea Turtle Day is celebrated on June 16.
June 16th is World Sea Turtle Day!
Turtles and Tortoises Located on this blog.
This was posted on the Turtles, Sea Turtles, and Tortoise page (now Turtles and Tortoises) on May 25, 2020. I have created a separate page because there is so much information out there about sea turtles.
Sea Turtles Fact Videos
Happy World Sea Turtle Day | Nature | PBS
Sea Turtles 101 | National Geographic
Turtle Time! | What Sam Sees | National Geographic Kids
Videos | National Geographic
Sea Turtles
The Leatherback is the largest sea turtle.
Find a Species: Sea Turtles |
What is the largest sea turtle? |
800-pound endangered sea turtle nests on Melbourne Beach - Leatherback Sea Turtle
Leatherback Turtle
Information About Turtles
Sea Turtle Conservancy
Turtles of South Africa | Oceans Africa
Sea Turtle Lifecyle | SWOT
Educational Resources
Educational Initiatives: Educator’s Guide & Lessons | Sea Turtle Conservancy
Online Games
Education: Kids Corner: Games | Sea Turtle Conservancy
WaterLife: Sea Turtles and the Quest to Nest |
I'll Follow the Moon by Stephanie Lisa Tara
The Life Cycles of a Sea Turtle by Bobbie Kalman
One Tiny Turtle by Nicola Davies
Sea Turtle Journey by Lorraine A. Jay
Sea Turtles by Gail Gibbons
Read Aloud Books
One Tiny Turtle | Ms. Shelly's Read Aloud
Sea Turtles by Gail Gibbons
June 16th is World Sea Turtle Day!
Turtles and Tortoises Located on this blog.
This was posted on the Turtles, Sea Turtles, and Tortoise page (now Turtles and Tortoises) on May 25, 2020. I have created a separate page because there is so much information out there about sea turtles.
Sea Turtles Fact Videos
Happy World Sea Turtle Day | Nature | PBS
Sea Turtles 101 | National Geographic
Turtle Time! | What Sam Sees | National Geographic Kids
Videos | National Geographic
Sea Turtles
The Leatherback is the largest sea turtle.
Find a Species: Sea Turtles |
What is the largest sea turtle? |
800-pound endangered sea turtle nests on Melbourne Beach - Leatherback Sea Turtle
Leatherback Turtle
Information About Turtles
Sea Turtle Conservancy
Turtles of South Africa | Oceans Africa
Sea Turtle Lifecyle | SWOT
Educational Resources
Educational Initiatives: Educator’s Guide & Lessons | Sea Turtle Conservancy
Online Games
Education: Kids Corner: Games | Sea Turtle Conservancy
WaterLife: Sea Turtles and the Quest to Nest |
I'll Follow the Moon by Stephanie Lisa Tara
The Life Cycles of a Sea Turtle by Bobbie Kalman
One Tiny Turtle by Nicola Davies
Sea Turtle Journey by Lorraine A. Jay
Sea Turtles by Gail Gibbons
Read Aloud Books
One Tiny Turtle | Ms. Shelly's Read Aloud
Sea Turtles by Gail Gibbons
Read Alouds
Authors Reading Their Books
Abiyoyo - Read by Pete Seeger on Reading Rainbow
From Head to Toe - Read by Eric Carle
The Very Hungry Caterpillar read by Eric Carle
Where's Spot? - Read by Eric Hill
Diane Alber Read Alouds
Actors and Actresses Reading Books
Hop on Pop Read by Martin Freeman
Karen Grassie Story Time - Karen Grassie is the actress who played Caroline Ingalls on Little House on the Prairie. She was the mother.
Strega Nona - Read by Mary Steenburgen
Oh, the Places You'll Go! Read by Liv Tyler
Books Read Online
Chester's Way read/signed by Vanessa Marano & Katie Leclerc written and illustrated by Kevin Henkes
Dr Seuss on the Loose!
Harry the Dirty Dog read by Betty White written by Gene Zion, illustrated by Margaret Bloy Graham
The Hula-Hoopin' Queen read by Oprah Winfrey written by Thelma Lynne Godin and illustrated by Vanessa Brantley-Newton
The Kissing Hand read by Barbara Bain written by Audrey Penn, illustrated by Ruth E. Harper and Nancy M. Leak
Little Owl's Night by Divya Srinivasan - Animated
The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry and The Big Hungry Bear by Don and Audrey Wood | Reading with Miss Sara and Friends
Little Owl's Night - Animated
One Tiny Turtle | Ms. Shelly's Read Aloud
Owl Babies by Martin Waddell
Owl Babies Picture Book Animation
Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert
Sea Turtles by Gail Gibbons
Stellaluna read by Pamela Reed written and illustrated by Janell Cannon
The Tale of Peter Rabbit read by Rose Byrne written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter
The Rainbow Fish read by Ernest Borgnine written and illustrated by Marcus Pfister
Story Times
Ms. Shelly's Read Aloud
Reading with Miss Sara and Friends
World Book Day Storytime Online
Abiyoyo - Read by Pete Seeger on Reading Rainbow
From Head to Toe - Read by Eric Carle
The Very Hungry Caterpillar read by Eric Carle
Where's Spot? - Read by Eric Hill
Diane Alber Read Alouds
Actors and Actresses Reading Books
Hop on Pop Read by Martin Freeman
Karen Grassie Story Time - Karen Grassie is the actress who played Caroline Ingalls on Little House on the Prairie. She was the mother.
Strega Nona - Read by Mary Steenburgen
Oh, the Places You'll Go! Read by Liv Tyler
Books Read Online
Chester's Way read/signed by Vanessa Marano & Katie Leclerc written and illustrated by Kevin Henkes
Dr Seuss on the Loose!
Harry the Dirty Dog read by Betty White written by Gene Zion, illustrated by Margaret Bloy Graham
The Hula-Hoopin' Queen read by Oprah Winfrey written by Thelma Lynne Godin and illustrated by Vanessa Brantley-Newton
The Kissing Hand read by Barbara Bain written by Audrey Penn, illustrated by Ruth E. Harper and Nancy M. Leak
Little Owl's Night by Divya Srinivasan - Animated
The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry and The Big Hungry Bear by Don and Audrey Wood | Reading with Miss Sara and Friends
Little Owl's Night - Animated
One Tiny Turtle | Ms. Shelly's Read Aloud
Owl Babies by Martin Waddell
Owl Babies Picture Book Animation
Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert
Sea Turtles by Gail Gibbons
Stellaluna read by Pamela Reed written and illustrated by Janell Cannon
The Tale of Peter Rabbit read by Rose Byrne written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter
The Rainbow Fish read by Ernest Borgnine written and illustrated by Marcus Pfister
Story Times
Ms. Shelly's Read Aloud
Reading with Miss Sara and Friends
World Book Day Storytime Online
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Countries Around the World
Would you like to learn about different countries around the world? Learn more about them on this blog.
World Heritage List: UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).
World Heritage List: UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).
Country: Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan | UNESCO
Uzbekistan | wikipedia
Bukhara has many historical sites.
Old photos Bukhara and bukharians 18-20 century
Uzbekistan | UNESCO
Uzbekistan | wikipedia
Bukhara has many historical sites.
Old photos Bukhara and bukharians 18-20 century
Music and musical instruments of Bukhara - Uzbekistan 2011
The instruments which are played in this video are the: sato, rubab, dayereh (or doyra, dojra, dajre, doira, dajreja)
Amu Darya
Syr Darya
Zeravshan River
There are other rivers that flow through Uzbekistan. Locate them on a map.
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Flag Day
Today is flag day. Learn more about Flag Day from the below links.
What is Flag Day? |
Flag Day (United States) | wikipedia
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Phylum: Cnidaria
The four major classes (groups) of cnidarians are:
Introduction to Cnidaira
The Cnidarian Tree of Life project (CnidToL)
The below photos were taken at the Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum
located at BYU (Brigham Young University). - July 2018
Corals | National Geographic
Corals of the World - Coral Taxonomy, Coral Geographic, and Species Factsheets
The Stylophora is also known as the Birds nest corals or Cat's paw corals. It is in the class of Anthozoa.
Stylophora pistillata | Corals of the World
The Agaricia agaricites is also known as the Lettuce coral or Tan Lettuce-leaf coral.
Agaricia agaricites Factsheet | Corals of the World
Tan lettuce-leaf coral (Agaricia agaricites) | Marine Species Identification Portal
Agaricia agaricites (Lettuce Coral) | UWI
Corals and Coral Reefs | Smithsonian Ocean Find Your Blue
The Scyphozoan
Classification: Order Alcyonacea | Corals of the World
Sea Anemone
The sea anemone was named after the terrestrial anemone flower.
Sea Anemone | National Geographic
Box Jellyfish | National Geographic
What is the most venomous marine animal? |
The Portuguese man o' war is also known as the Man-of-war, or Blue bottle. It is in the class of hydrozoa. It is in the order of siphonophorae.
What is a Portuguese Man o’ War? |
The Aurelia aurita is also known as the Common jellyfish, Moon jellyfish, Moon jelly, or Saucer jelly. It is in the class scyphozoa.
Aurelia aurita | wikipedia
Coloring Pages
Ocean Animals Coloring Pages |
The four major classes (groups) of cnidarians are:
Introduction to Cnidaira
The Cnidarian Tree of Life project (CnidToL)
These include: corals, anemones, and sea pens and sea fans
Anthozoa | Animal Diversity Web (ADW) University of Michigan
Corals and Sea Anemones (Anthozoa) | National Zoo
Corals and Sea Anemones (Anthozoa) | National Zoo
Corals and Coral Reefs
The below photos were taken at the
Cabrillo Marine Aquarium - January 2010
Alcyonacea, or soft corals do not produce calcium carbonate skeletons.
The below photos were taken at the
Soft Coral and Anemone
I believe the bottom left is an Alcyonacea (soft coral).
It is possibly a sea whip. The bottom right is some type of anemone.
Whip Coral (Leptogorgia virgulata) | Chesapeake Bay ProgramIt is possibly a sea whip. The bottom right is some type of anemone.
located at BYU (Brigham Young University). - July 2018

Corals | National Geographic
Corals of the World - Coral Taxonomy, Coral Geographic, and Species Factsheets
The Stylophora is also known as the Birds nest corals or Cat's paw corals. It is in the class of Anthozoa.
Stylophora pistillata | Corals of the World
The Agaricia agaricites is also known as the Lettuce coral or Tan Lettuce-leaf coral.
Agaricia agaricites Factsheet | Corals of the World
Tan lettuce-leaf coral (Agaricia agaricites) | Marine Species Identification Portal
Agaricia agaricites (Lettuce Coral) | UWI
Corals and Coral Reefs | Smithsonian Ocean Find Your Blue
The Scyphozoan
Classification: Order Alcyonacea | Corals of the World
Sea Anemone
The sea anemone was named after the terrestrial anemone flower.
Sea Anemone | National Geographic
These include: box jelliesBox Jellyfish | National Geographic
What is the most venomous marine animal? |
These include: siphonophores, hydroids, fire corals, and different medusaeThe Portuguese man o' war is also known as the Man-of-war, or Blue bottle. It is in the class of hydrozoa. It is in the order of siphonophorae.
What is a Portuguese Man o’ War? |
These includes: true jellyfish
Common Jellyfish (Moon Jellyfish)
Cabrillo Marine Aquarium - January 2010
The Aurelia aurita is also known as the Common jellyfish, Moon jellyfish, Moon jelly, or Saucer jelly. It is in the class scyphozoa.
Aurelia aurita | wikipedia
Coloring Pages
Ocean Animals Coloring Pages |
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
June: National Ocean Month
June is National Ocean Month. Learn more about the ocean by visiting the National Ocean Service at Celebrate the Ocean |
Find more resources on this blog located at Oceans.
Find more resources on this blog located at Oceans.
Monday, June 8, 2020
Native Americans
History Detectives: Navajo Rug |
Mitchell Museum of the American Indian Museum - There are educational resources located on this site.
‘Native American Woven Arts’ Explores Methods, Meaning - This is about the Mitchell Museum of the American Indian Museum located in Illinois. In this video clip, it talks about the "weaving function and design at a local museum dedicated to Native American art and culture."
New Mexico History Museum | Interactives - Interactives, Online Exhibits, Podcasts
Mitchell Museum of the American Indian Museum - There are educational resources located on this site.
‘Native American Woven Arts’ Explores Methods, Meaning - This is about the Mitchell Museum of the American Indian Museum located in Illinois. In this video clip, it talks about the "weaving function and design at a local museum dedicated to Native American art and culture."
New Mexico History Museum | Interactives - Interactives, Online Exhibits, Podcasts
Interactives in All Subjects
Pratt's Educational Resources
Grammar Interactives
United States Capitols
United States Virtual Tours
World Virtual Tours
All Subjects
K-12 Student Interactives | Utah Education Network - Including Homework Help
metkids: Metropolitan Museum of Art Explore the Map, Hop in the Time Machine, and Watch Videos
Grammar Interactives
United States Capitols
United States Virtual Tours
World Virtual Tours
All Subjects
K-12 Student Interactives | Utah Education Network - Including Homework Help
metkids: Metropolitan Museum of Art Explore the Map, Hop in the Time Machine, and Watch Videos
Free Online History Textbooks
Find high school courses for students, teachers, home-schoolers, and history lovers at It includes US History, American Government, and Ancient Civilizations.
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Letter M
M Countries
Find various countries that start with the letter M.
Some include: Mexico, Mali, Morocco, Mongolia.
Locate them on a map or globe.
Learn about them.
Make a booklet or paper about one or more of them.
M States
This states that are located in the United States
Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, and Montana
Locate them on a map or globe.
Learn about them.
Make a booklet or paper about one or more of them.
Machu Pichu
Machu Pichu is located in Peru.
Machu Pichu | wikipedia
Destination: Machu Pichu
Learn about magnesium from the links on this blog.
Explore magnetism using magnets.
Magnifying Glass
Look at objects using a magnifying glass.
Look on a map for different countries, states, territories, mountains, oceans, etc.
Learn about that location.
Maple Tree and Maple Syrup
Learn the history of maple syrup.
What kind of maple tree does it come from?
How is maple syrup made?
Maracas | wikipedia
Make maracas.
Play music on them.
Mexican Maracas (using a balloon) @ DLTK-Kids
Mars and Mercury
Learn about the planets that start with the letter M (Mars and Mercury).
What is another name for Mars? Does Mars have any moons? If so, what are they called and what type of moons are they? Find the answers at NASA: Planets - NASA Solar System Exploration.
Did you know there is a volcano located on Mars! It is called Olympus Mons. It is a shield volcano. Learn more about it at Planets - NASA Solar System Exploration by using the interactive planet on the top of the page.
Learn what matter is in science.
The States of Matter include: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.
Explore the states of matter using water.
Learn about the planet Mercury.
Planets - NASA Solar System Exploration
Does Mercury have any moons? Find out at NASA.
View cells under a microscope.
Learn about the Earth’s moon.
Are there any moons by Mars and Mercury?
Learn about different mountains.
Locate them on a map or globe.
Create a booklet or paper about what you have learned about mountains. Include photos of the mountains that you researched.
Make and eat muffins.
The Muffin Man | All Nursery Rhymes
The Muffin Man |
Find various countries that start with the letter M.
Some include: Mexico, Mali, Morocco, Mongolia.
Locate them on a map or globe.
Learn about them.
Make a booklet or paper about one or more of them.
M States
This states that are located in the United States
Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, and Montana
Locate them on a map or globe.
Learn about them.
Make a booklet or paper about one or more of them.
Machu Pichu
Machu Pichu is located in Peru.
Machu Pichu | wikipedia
Destination: Machu Pichu
Learn about magnesium from the links on this blog.
Explore magnetism using magnets.
Magnifying Glass
Look at objects using a magnifying glass.
Look on a map for different countries, states, territories, mountains, oceans, etc.
Learn about that location.
Maple Tree and Maple Syrup
Learn the history of maple syrup.
What kind of maple tree does it come from?
How is maple syrup made?
Maracas | wikipedia
Make maracas.
Play music on them.
Mexican Maracas (using a balloon) @ DLTK-Kids
Mars and Mercury
Learn about the planets that start with the letter M (Mars and Mercury).
What is another name for Mars? Does Mars have any moons? If so, what are they called and what type of moons are they? Find the answers at NASA: Planets - NASA Solar System Exploration.
Did you know there is a volcano located on Mars! It is called Olympus Mons. It is a shield volcano. Learn more about it at Planets - NASA Solar System Exploration by using the interactive planet on the top of the page.
Learn what matter is in science.
The States of Matter include: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.
Explore the states of matter using water.
Learn about the planet Mercury.
Planets - NASA Solar System Exploration
Does Mercury have any moons? Find out at NASA.
View cells under a microscope.
Learn about the Earth’s moon.
Are there any moons by Mars and Mercury?
Learn about different mountains.
Locate them on a map or globe.
Create a booklet or paper about what you have learned about mountains. Include photos of the mountains that you researched.
Make and eat muffins.
The Muffin Man | All Nursery Rhymes
The Muffin Man |
D-Day occurred on June 6, 1944.
D-Day 76th Anniversary Virtual Commemoration - Find various types of resources on this site. It also has educational resources
The 75th Anniversary of D‑Day ELECTRONIC FIELD TRIP | WWII Museum
D-Day June 6, 1944 | National WWII Museum
D-Day: The Allies Invade Europe | National WWII Museum
D-Day |
D-Day - General Dwight D. Eisenhower D-Day Message | army.,mil
D-Day 76th Anniversary Virtual Commemoration - Find various types of resources on this site. It also has educational resources
The 75th Anniversary of D‑Day ELECTRONIC FIELD TRIP | WWII Museum
D-Day June 6, 1944 | National WWII Museum
D-Day: The Allies Invade Europe | National WWII Museum
D-Day |
D-Day - General Dwight D. Eisenhower D-Day Message | army.,mil
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Letter S
S Food
Salami, Sausage, Soup, Spaghetti, Strawberry, and many more
S Games
Added 7/9/24
Games Kids Play - Sausage Note: You could use another word for younger children.
Games Kids Play - Simon Says
Games Kids Play - Sock Wrestling
Games Kids Play - I Spy
Statue: Play music and when the music stops you have to stop in the position you were in.
Games Kids Play - Sausage Note: You could use another word for younger children.
Games Kids Play - Simon Says
Games Kids Play - Sock Wrestling
Games Kids Play - I Spy
Statue: Play music and when the music stops you have to stop in the position you were in.
"S" Countries & States in the United States
List of states and territories of the United States on Wikipedia
Locate these states on a map.
South Carolina
South Dakota
Saguaro National Park Teacher Guide - Added 7/9/24
Enchanted Learning - This Old Man
Enchanted Learning - There Was This Old Lady Who Lived in a Shoe and Printout to Color
KIDiddle - This Old Man (lyrics)
Enchanted Learning - This Old Man
Enchanted Learning - There Was This Old Lady Who Lived in a Shoe and Printout to Color
KIDiddle - This Old Man (lyrics)
Science Experiment: Take different items that will float and sink. Have the children put them a container of water or in the sink. Have them see if each object will float or sink. If you want, you can have them write on a piece of paper what each item does.
Science Experiment: Take different items that will float and sink. Have the children put them a container of water or in the sink. Have them see if each object will float or sink. If you want, you can have them write on a piece of paper what each item does.
Play different sports.
Statue of Liberty
Talk about street safety.
String Bass
Volcanoes | Pratt's Educational Resources
17 Explosive Volcano Facts! - National Geographic Kids - Includes a video
Volcanoes - DK findout! - An interactive webpage.
Volcanoes - USGS
Volcanoes 101 | National Geographic - YouTube
Volcanoes by Country: Volcano World - Some volcanoes around the world.
Volcanoes Infographic for Kids - Kids Discover You can sign up for free and find lots of resources.
Printable Volcano Resources for Homeschool Students
Volcano Lesson Plans @
Plate Tectonics Map | Wikipedia
Fold Mountains | DK findout!
Types of Volcanoes | Lumen
Types of Volcanoes | Volcano World
Volcano Seismicity at Long-dormant Stratovolcanoes
Interactive Activites
Discover! Simulations: They Dynamic Earth | eduplace - Learn more about volcanoes.
17 Explosive Volcano Facts! - National Geographic Kids - Includes a video
Volcanoes - DK findout! - An interactive webpage.
Volcanoes - USGS
Volcanoes 101 | National Geographic - YouTube
Volcanoes by Country: Volcano World - Some volcanoes around the world.
Volcanoes Infographic for Kids - Kids Discover You can sign up for free and find lots of resources.
Printable Volcano Resources for Homeschool Students
Volcano Lesson Plans @
Plate Tectonics Map | Wikipedia
Fold Mountains | DK findout!
Types of Volcanoes | Lumen
Types of Volcanoes | Volcano World
Volcano Seismicity at Long-dormant Stratovolcanoes
Interactive Activites
Discover! Simulations: They Dynamic Earth | eduplace - Learn more about volcanoes.
Caldera Volcanoes
Rhyolite Caldera Complexes | Volcano World
Country: Iceland
Country: United States
State: Wyoming
Yellowstone Caldera is a caldera and supervolcano.
Country: Iceland
Country: United States
State: Wyoming
Yellowstone Caldera is a caldera and supervolcano.
Shield Volcanoes
Shield Volcanoes | Volcano World
The Hawaiian shield volcanoes are the most famous examples.
Mauna Loa
Others are located in Hawaii
Country: United States
State: Hawaii
Fact: The Hawaiian volcanoes are not located near any plate boundaries.
Country: Ecuador
Country: Comoros
Erta Ale
Country: Ethiopia
Country: Russia
Type: Caldera and Shield
Country: Nicaragua
The Hawaiian shield volcanoes are the most famous examples.
Mauna Loa
Others are located in Hawaii
Country: United States
State: Hawaii
Fact: The Hawaiian volcanoes are not located near any plate boundaries.
Country: Ecuador
Country: Comoros
Erta Ale
Country: Ethiopia
Country: Russia
Type: Caldera and Shield
Country: Nicaragua
Stratovolcanoes are also called composite volcanoes.
Volcanoes of Chile
ColimaCountry: Mexico
Fuji (Mount Fuji)
Country: Japan
Country: Colombia
Mount St. Helens
Country: United States
It is part of the Ring of Fire.
It is between the Juan de Fuca plate and the North American plate.
Mount St. Helens Tectonic Plate
Country: Japan
This volcano has erupts 100-200 time each year since 1995.
Country: Chile
It is one of Chile's most active volcano.
It is part of the Ring of Fire.
It is between the Nazca plate and the South American plate.
Barren Island
Burma Plate and Indian Plate
White Island
Country: New Zealand
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Digestive System
Digestion | Learn.Genetics
Digestion Tutorial | Sheppard Software - Tutorial and interactive games
Human Digestive System | National Geographic Kids - Information
Digestive System Game |
Digestion Tutorial | Sheppard Software - Tutorial and interactive games
Human Digestive System | National Geographic Kids - Information
Digestive System Game |
Science Index
(A branch of physical science)
Atmospheric Sciences
(Including: Climatology, Meteorology, and other sciences)
Clouds Thematic Unit
(A branch of physical science)
Periodic Table of Elements
Earth Science
(A branch of physical science)
(Including: Geology:, Physical Geography, Ecology, Soil science, Oceanography, Atmospheric sciences, and other sciences)
Earth Science Interactive Games
Rocks, Minerals, and Soils
Life Sciences
Life science deals with living things and their relationship to one another and to their environment.
Biology is a branch of life science. These sciences are a branch of biology: anatomy, botany, cell biology, ecology, genetics, marine biology, microbiology, neuroscience, ornithology, Zoology, and other sciences
Digestive System
Human Body Systems
Birds (Ornithology)
Botany Labels on this Blog
Cell Biology
Neuroscience for Kids
(A branch of physical science)
This is my though process here. I will add more later.
Science A to Z
Science Links
Find lots more resources are on this blog.
(A branch of physical science)
Atmospheric Sciences
(Including: Climatology, Meteorology, and other sciences)
Clouds Thematic Unit
(A branch of physical science)
Periodic Table of Elements
Earth Science
(A branch of physical science)
(Including: Geology:, Physical Geography, Ecology, Soil science, Oceanography, Atmospheric sciences, and other sciences)
Earth Science Interactive Games
Rocks, Minerals, and Soils
Life Sciences
Life science deals with living things and their relationship to one another and to their environment.
Biology is a branch of life science. These sciences are a branch of biology: anatomy, botany, cell biology, ecology, genetics, marine biology, microbiology, neuroscience, ornithology, Zoology, and other sciences
Digestive System
Human Body Systems
Birds (Ornithology)
Botany Labels on this Blog
Cell Biology
Neuroscience for Kids
(A branch of physical science)
This is my though process here. I will add more later.
Science A to Z
Science Links
Find lots more resources are on this blog.
Monday, June 1, 2020
The Wonders of Physics Traveling Outreach Program - Including teacher resources, Just for Kids, and more.
The Wonders of Physics | YouTube
The Wonders of Physics Traveling Outreach Program - Including teacher resources, Just for Kids, and more.
The Wonders of Physics | YouTube
Earth Science Interactive Games
Located on this Blog
Rocks, Minerals, and Soils
Other Interactive Games
Discover! Simulations: They Dynamic Earth | eduplace - Learn more about volcanoes.
Dynamic Earth Interactive | Annebereg
Earth Science Interactive Simulations PhET
Where do most earthquakes epicenters and volcanoes occur? | Glencoe
Rocks, Minerals, and Soils
Other Interactive Games
Discover! Simulations: They Dynamic Earth | eduplace - Learn more about volcanoes.
Dynamic Earth Interactive | Annebereg
Earth Science Interactive Simulations PhET
Where do most earthquakes epicenters and volcanoes occur? | Glencoe
Rocks, Minerals, and Soils
Lessons and Videos
Rocks | Robert Krampf The Happy Scientist
What is a Mineral? | Robert Krampf The Happy Scientist
Interactive Online Activities
Crystals Game | Scholastic Learn some facts when you click on "Factoid".
Discover! Simulations: Earth, Our Home | eduplace
Discover! Simulations: Treasures From Earth | eduplace
Discover! Simulations: The Solid Earth | eduplace - Learn about stalactites, stalagmites, and death corals found in caves. Limestone is what is found in these deposits.
Rocks, Minerals & Soils | Science Kids - "Learn about rocks, minerals & soils as you complete a variety of experiments with this fun, interactive activity."
Rock Cycle Interactive | Annenberg
Transform the Rock | Annebereg
Rocks | Robert Krampf The Happy Scientist
What is a Mineral? | Robert Krampf The Happy Scientist
Interactive Online Activities
Crystals Game | Scholastic Learn some facts when you click on "Factoid".
Discover! Simulations: Earth, Our Home | eduplace
Discover! Simulations: Treasures From Earth | eduplace
Discover! Simulations: The Solid Earth | eduplace - Learn about stalactites, stalagmites, and death corals found in caves. Limestone is what is found in these deposits.
Rocks, Minerals & Soils | Science Kids - "Learn about rocks, minerals & soils as you complete a variety of experiments with this fun, interactive activity."
Rock Cycle Interactive | Annenberg
Transform the Rock | Annebereg
Science Interactive Activities
I will be adding more resources on this page.
BBC Bitesize Primary Games 1
Discover! Simulations | - K through 6
Science Games for Kids | Science Kids Living Things, Physical Process, Solids, Liquids & Gases, Math Games, and Detective Science
BBC Bitesize Primary Games 1
Discover! Simulations | - K through 6
Science Games for Kids | Science Kids Living Things, Physical Process, Solids, Liquids & Gases, Math Games, and Detective Science
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