Thursday, February 7, 2019

March: How Many Words Can You Make?

I remember in fifth or sixth grade we had a class activity thinking of words from a particular word the teacher told us that day. We had a certain amount of time to do it in but I can't remember how long the teacher gave us. It was always fun to do this in class. This is an excellent activity to make class time fun and not boring. Of course, the students (or your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc.) are learning indirectly and using their brain to find words.Here are some ideas you can use for word game activities for the month of January and February. Some of the words can be used in other months of the year.
If you get stuck, you can check yourself at this website.

15 - President of the United States Birthday: Andrew Jackson (1767)
How many words can you write using the words “Andrew Jackson”?

16 - President of the United States Birthday: James Madison (1751)
How many words can you write using the words “James Madison”?

18 - President of the United States Birthday: Grover Cleveland (1837)
How many words can you write using the words “Grover Cleveland”?

29 -  President of the United States Birthday: John Tyler (1790)
How many words can you write using the words “John Tyler”?

More words to come.

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