Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Letter B

Ball Games & Physical Education

Games Kids Play - Baby in the Air

Games Kids Play: Ball Games

"Bb" Ball Game
Roll the ball to the child and say: What word starts with the letter "B"?  Have them roll it back to you.

Guess the "Ball Game"
Have the child pretend to be playing a certain ball game (basketball, baseball, golf, soccer, tennis, etc. Guess what type of ball game is being played.

Bowl using plastic bowling balls & pins (or empty plastic juice bottles and a ball) or go to a bowling alley.

Foods: Bread, Buns
Fruits Banana, Blueberry

Button Button, Who Has The Button? 
This is played with more than three people. Sit in a circle on the floor. Pass the button (make sure you don’t let anyone see you have it) to another person’s cup shaped hands. The person drops it in someone's hands. At the end say, "Button, button, who has the button?". Each person needs to tell you if they have the button when they are asked the question.

Games Kids Play - Hide the Button I use to play this with whatever object in the room; great for recalling what is in the room.

B Animals
Baboon, Badger, Barn Owl, Bat, Bear, Bee, Bird, Bison, ...
Many more "B" Animals are listed below:

B Dinosaurs:
Here are twelve that the above site listed on this page. 
They have a list of more than 80 more on the bottom of the page.


"B" Themes


Liberty Bell

"B" Games
"B" Concentration Game
Option #1
Use the pictures located here and bears (under "Bear Game") to view links of the objects.  You can use the pictures located at Homepreschool.com: Beginning Sound Pictures (Object Page) A book, ball, bird, banana, bell, bear, balloon, boy, and bat for this game.  Make 2 copies of each. Color (or you don't have to) the pictures and cut them out.  Cut the amount you need of construction paper (blue, brown, or black) to be 1 1/2 x 2 1/2".  Glue the picture on one side of the paper.  Write the word near the picture.  Laminate or cover with clear contact paper.

How to play:  Have the child turn two cards over and match the same picture.  Say the name of the object.  If the child does not get a match, turn the cards back over.  Repeat the process until all of the cards have matching pairs.

Option #2:  Have the child close his/her eyes and spell the word (if the child reads).

Option #3: Do the above options but write the word in a foreign language (near the picture) or you can write two languages (native on the top and foreign on the bottom) of the picture.

Here are the words in Spanish for the "Beginning Sound Pictures":
book - libro, ball - pelota, bird - pájaro, banana - plátano, bell - campana, bear - oso, balloon - globo, boy - niño, and bat - bate

Free Time
Play with: body, birds, butterflies, or other "B" puzzles

"Bb" Book
Follow the instructions at Letter Book if you want to make a book.
I used a blue piece of paper and a glued blue and brown piece of yarn for the upper and lower case letters.

Page 1: On the top left hand side write, "Bb".  Use the pictures of different "B" words, stickers or pictures from ads or magazines of butterflies, bears, berries, birds, bee, B dinosaurs, bats, etc.

Label the pictures.

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